Medical Assistant

5 Tips to Find Valuable Online Medical Assistant Program

If you want to graduate with an online medical assistant program, the first thing you need to do is stop taking it lightly. Don’t...
Organic Food

Best Organic Gifts for Friends and Family

Holidays, birthdays or anniversaries – the first thing which comes to your mind is getting a lovely present for your loved ones! To get...

Coconut Oil: Health Benefits, Uses & How to Make It at Home

Ever wondered why coconut oil is in demand and very expensive? It is because of its amazing health benefits and it is known as...
Messy Home

6 Ways a Messy Home Can Make You Sick

We all lead busy lives. We have dinner to make, kids to cart around and work that needs to be done. Cleaning sometimes falls...

Best Natural Remedies to Treat Anxiety

When you’re anxious, you’re freaking out! You could be worried about anything: money, work, and love life – even the black cat that just...
Healthy Snacking

How Is Healthy Snacking Improving Your Mental Health?

The brain is the most complex and important organ in the body. All our actions, movements, thought processes, emotions and nervous system are controlled...
Children Get Cancer

What Are the Causes of Cancer in Children?

I was listening to Core TV news last week and it was reported that in Nigeria and most African nations, Cancer in Children is...
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Understanding Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) and How to Treat It?

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux is a condition that causes much distress to its sufferers. It mostly occurs when a person has GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and,...

10 Tips to Keep Your Veins Healthy

Blood in our body is carried to all parts and organs through the circulatory system, also called as vascular system. Apart from blood, it...
International Health Insurance

Making a Smart Move: Saving Taxes With Health Insurance

Life is uncertain & it can surprise or hit us with jolts at any moment. For those unexpected jolts, one needs to be planned...