uric acid

Homemade Remedies to Reduce Uric Acid in Blood

When it comes to battling high levels of uric acid, there are several options for uric acid treatment. Some are natural while others are...
Fermented Foods

The Benefits of Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut

In the past, people used fermentation to preserve their food. But, this was long before the days of refrigeration. Since these technological advancements, fermentation...

The #1 Problem With Department Store Moisturizers

If you’re like me, the first thing you do before trying out a new product is check out the reviews. You probably also wonder if...
Working Mom

The Working Mom’s Guide to Surviving Worker’s Compensation

While it’s still safe to laud traditional family dynamics—breadwinner and homemaker, dual income households are becoming increasingly common. The days of daddy walking in...

What Makes a Sleeping Habit Ideal?

Regardless of one’s age, and occupation, getting the right kind of sleep is essential. As we all know, rest is suitable for both the...

5 Best Essential Oils for Kids

If kids are good at one thing, it’s getting sick. They seem to always be coming down with the latest flu or cold outbreak....

Six Ways to Save Money on Health Insurance

Health insurance costs are rising fast, and wages and inflation aren’t keeping up. If you’re like most of the country (55 percent, according to one...

Infographic: How to Tell if Your Kid Needs Glasses?

Vision problems in children are more common than you many think. 1 in 5 preschoolers enrolled in Head Start have a vision problem and...

What Lab Managers Should Know About Billing Software?

Managing a medical lab, even a small one, can keep the staff on their toes. When compared to a doctor’s office or urgent care...

Helpful Tips for Managing Moderate to Severe Allergies

More than 50 million people suffer from moderate to severe allergies. From hay fever and indoor allergies, to specific allergic reactions, allergy triggers are...